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Spirit or specter - dreaming of spirit or specter

To see spirits in a dream, denotes that some unexpected trouble will confront you. If they are white-robed, the health of your nearest friend is threatened, or some business speculation will be disapproving. f they are robed in black, you will meet with treachery and unfaithfulness.

If a spirit speaks, there is some evil near you, which you might avert if you would listen to the counsels of judgment.

To dream that you hear spirits knocking on doors or walls, denotes that trouble will arise unexpectedly.

To see them moving draperies, or moving behind them, is a warning to hold control over your feelings, as you are likely to commit indiscretions. Quarrels are also threatened.

To see the spirit of your friend floating in your room, foretells disappointment and insecurity.

To hear music supposedly coming from spirits, denotes unfavorable changes and sadness in the household.

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