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Table - dreaming of table

To dream of setting a table preparatory to a meal, foretells happy unions and prosperous circumstances.

To see empty tables, signifies poverty or disagreements.

To clear away the table, denotes that pleasure will soon assume the form of trouble and indifference.

To eat from a table without a cloth, foretells that you will be possessed of an independent disposition, and the prosperity or conduct of others will give you no concern.

To see a table walking or moving in some mysterious way, foretells that dissatisfaction will soon enter your life, and you will seek relief in change.

To dream of a soiled cloth on a table, denotes disobedience from servants or children, and quarreling will invariably follow pleasure.

To see a broken table, is ominous of decaying fortune.

To see one standing or sitting on a table, foretells that to obtain their desires they will be guilty of indiscretions.

To see or hear table-rapping or writing, denotes that you will undergo change of feelings towards your friends, and your fortune will be threatened. A loss from the depreciation of relatives or riends is indicated.

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